Karina Alejandra García López
MSc in Electronic and Computer Engineering
Email: karinagarcia.alejandra@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karinagarcialopez8445
Social Service: (2020)
- Writing and reviewing a user manual for the DENSO system, the new libraries, equipment calibration, and interconnection solution through the UDP/IP protocol.
Modular Project (2019 – 2020): Implementation of control algorithms in the DENSO industrial manipulator robot.
- Development of software libraries for the implementation of torque control algorithms for the DENSO system.
- Experimental exercises with different control techniques for regulation and teleoperation.
- Estimation of the gravity vector.
Master’s degree: (2021 – 2023) : «Applications of Consensus Algorithms in Robot Networks»
- Software Development for the Application of Consensus Algorithms for Kinova Gen 3 and Kinova Gen 3 Lite Robots.
- Bounded Consensus in Operational Space for Robot Networks.